dimanche 27 décembre 2015

FDR (Failed Device Replacement) for ATV6xx and ATV9xx

Operating mode:

- connect the ATV6xx or ATV9xx to the network (connected to your PC and the M580 which is in RUN mode)

- power ON the drive

- Result: the Drive appears in the windows network

- double click on it

- Result: a browser opens with the security warnings and ask for as password, the password by default is in the Keypad menu: My Preferrence/Webserver/WDP

- select setup tab

- type the device name of this Drive (previous Drive device name)

- Click on the save button

- Power OFF/ON the drive

- Result: the drive should take it's configuraiton from the M580 which was RUNNING

Note: if you don't have any PC connected use the Keypad to enter the device name in the communication parameters in the Ethernet menu