if dataCh010Get then
read_var(addm('0.1.0'), '%MW', dataCh010StartAddr, dataCh010Size, dataCh010Mgt, dataCh010Buff);
dataCh010Get := false;
Contenu de la zone:
Address | Field kind | Designation |
%MW0 | INT | Tx Start Delay: wait a delay before sending data. It is commonly used with the half duplex modem mode to set the RTS signal, wait the CTS signal and then wait this delay before sending data. It seems to conform to FOCKS mechanism. |
%MW1 | INT | Tx End delay: wait a while after the last byte sent. It is commonly used with half duplex modem mode to maintain the RTS signal this time, to let enougth time to the modem to send the buffer to the peer, before switching to reception mode. It seems to conform to the FOCKS mechanism. |
%MW16 | INT | bus_message_count |
%MW18 | INT | bus_com_error_count |
%MW20 | INT | bus_except_error_count |
%MW22 | INT | slave_mes_count |
%MW24 | INT | slave_no_resp_count |
%MW26 | INT | slave_NAK_count |
%MW28 | INT | slave_busy_count |
%MW30 | INT | bus_char_overrun_count |
%MW30 | INT | Internal com_event_count |
%MW30 | INT | Internal diag_register |
%MW30 | INT | Internal successfull_mstr_count |
%MW30 | INT | Internal successfull_slave_count |
%MW40 | INT | Internal bad_adr_count |
%MW42 | INT | Internal bad_length_count |
%MW44 | INT | Internal mstr_retry_count |
%MW46 | INT | Internal STOP_BYTES |
%MW48 | INT | Internal listenOnlyMode |
%MW50 | INT | Internal KindOfFlowControl (0:full duplex, 1 RTS, 2 DTR) |
%MW100 | INT | Internal conf mode |
%MD102 | DINT | Internal conf baudrate |
%MW104 | INT | Internal conf dataLength |
%MW106 | INT | Internal conf parity |
%MW108 | INT | Internal conf stopBitNb |
%MW110 | INT | Internal conf rs232 |
%MW112 | INT | Internal conf hwFlowCtrl |
%MW114 | INT | Internal conf modemMode |
%MW116 | INT | Internal conf framesDelay |
%MW118 | INT | Internal conf silence |
%MW120 | INT | Internal conf slaveAnswerDelay |
%MW122 | INT | Internal conf slaveNumber |
%MW124 | INT | Internal conf slaveNumberExternal |
%MW126 | INT | Internal conf polarizationModbus |
%MW128 | INT | Internal conf polarizationUnitelway |
%MW130 | INT | Internal conf nbRetries |
%MW132 | INT | Internal conf rtsCtsTimeout |
%MW134 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameChar1 |
%MW136 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameIncludedChar1 |
%MW138 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameByteChar1 |
%MW140 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameChar2 |
%MW142 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameChar2 |
%MW144 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameIncludedChar2 |
%MW146 | INT | Internal conf endOfFrameByteChar2 |
%MW148 | INT | Internal conf blindTimeMs |
%MW150 | INT | Internal usePatchedTimings |
%MW152 | INT | Internal t3_5ch |
%MW154 | INT | Internal t1_5ch |
%MW156 | INT | Internal tDelay |
%MD158 | DINT | Internal conf KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW160 | INT | Internal conf ctsDelayBeforeTx : In half duplex mode, on sending, the RTS signal raise, then when the CTS raise the delay is executed beforte sending the frame. |
%MW162 | INT | Internal conf rtsDelayAfterTx: In half duplex mode, after sending, the RTS signal is maintain until the delay is over. |
%MW200 | INT | Current version of the local channel server (00.01) |
%MW201 | INT | Flash Slave Address |
%MW202 | INT | Is it authorized to change the address ? |
%MW1000 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: internal protocol code |
%MW1002 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW1010 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: T1_5crS |
%MW1012 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: T1_5crR |
%MW1014 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: T3_5crS |
%MW1016 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: T3_5crR |
%MW1018 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: DelayInBits |
%MW1090 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: nb retries configured |
%MW1100 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Broadcast |
%MW1101 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 1 |
%MW1102 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 2 |
%MW1103 | INT | … |
%MW1347 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 247 |
%MW1348 | INT | Modbus RTU Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Point to Point |
%MW1500 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: internal protocol code |
%MW1502 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW1510 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: T1_5crS |
%MW1512 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: T1_5crR |
%MW1514 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: T3_5crS |
%MW1516 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: T3_5crR |
%MW1518 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: DelayInBits |
%MW1600 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: SlaveAddr |
%MW1602 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: BlindTimeAfterReception |
%MW1604 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: blindTimeActivated |
%MW1606 | INT | Modbus RTU Slave: ListenOnlyMode |
%MW2000 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master : internal protocol code |
%MW2002 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master : KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW2010 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: T1_5crS |
%MW2012 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: T1_5crR |
%MW2014 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: T3_5crS |
%MW2016 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: T3_5crR |
%MW2018 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: DelayInBits |
%MW2090 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: nb retries configured |
%MW2100 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Broadcast |
%MW2101 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 1 |
%MW2102 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 2 |
%MW2103 | INT | … |
%MW2347 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Slave 247 |
%MW2348 | INT | Modbus ASCII Master: SlaveAnswerDelay10ms Point to Point |
%MW2500 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: internal protocol code |
%MW2502 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW2510 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: T1_5crS |
%MW2512 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: T1_5crR |
%MW2514 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: T3_5crS |
%MW2516 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: T3_5crR |
%MW2518 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: DelayInBits |
%MW2600 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: SlaveAddr |
%MW2602 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: BlindTimeAfterReception |
%MW2604 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: blindTimeActivated |
%MW2606 | INT | Modbus ASCII Slave: ListenOnlyMode |
%MW3000 | INT | Char Mode: internal protocol code |
%MW3002 | INT | Char Mode: KindOfFlowControl (0: none, 1: RTS automatic, 2: DTR automatic instead of RTS) |
%MW3100 | INT | Char Mode: Stop criteria present |
%MW3102 | INT | Char Mode: Ticr |
%MW3104 | INT | Char Mode: EOF byte 1 |
%MW3104 | INT | Char Mode: EOF char 1 added |
%MW3104 | INT | Char Mode: EOFbyte 2 |
%MW3104 | INT | Char Mode: EOF char 2 added |